Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CashSurfers.com - The Most Overrated Paid to Surf Company in the Industry

Review of CashSurfers.com - The Most Overrated Paid to Surf Company in the Industry

Name: CashSurfers.com 


This is one of the more popular paid to surf programs especially when one searches Google. For this reason I decided to do a review on it, more of a warning though. 

Payout: Complete offers to earn money. This is how they advertise now, it used to be marketed as a company that pays users to surf with a toolbar.

Referral tree: 10% share on what referrals make

Payout threshold: $20.00 (Make $20 and I'm buy you a beer, you will never reach this level trust me). $20 for US and $40 min. for international. 

My thoughts: I've been a member of CashSurfers for almost a decade I have thousands of referrals. From this program I make less than $0.02 a month. If you were planning to sign up for this program or using CashSurfers.com my suggestion to you is don't sign up, or stop using it. Payout is absolutely horrible. I have no idea why this company is still around, they are another company that makes "paid to surf" look bad. 

CashSurfers.com was once a paying "paid to surf" site. May be like 5 years ago. Now it's a site that ranks well, but is a horrible time waster. Don't waste your time. 

My current balance after 3 years and thousands upon thousands of referrals is $1.10. Laughable. My suggestion to you is buy a metal detector and you will make more money that way. 

Oh if you want to sign up to this garbage site here's my referral link