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Company Name: Sponsored Tweets
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What they do: Do you have a Twitter account? If the answer is yes Sponsored Tweets will pay you to Tweet out messages advertisers send you. Advertisers will sponsor conversation and then you will send these conversations or Tweets to your followers.
How much do I get paid? You get paid around $1.00 when you start. Anyone can sign up, but to be visible to advertisers in the search results you need at least 200 followers. For most people 200 followers shouldn't be a hard number to obtain. Once over 200 followers money made per Tweet is unlimited. Bob Vila uses SponsoredTweets for example and makes $2,941.25 per Twitter message.
How much do I have to make to get paid via PayPal?
You must make at least $50 before getting paid.
Does SponsoredTweets offer an affiliate program?
Yes, they pay 10% of Tweeters and 5% for advertisers.
What I think of SponsoredTweets: I think SponsoredTweets is one of the greatest ideas to come out in a while. Twitter is relatively new and it's great to see new legitimate paid to surf opportunities coming from quality companies. I highly recommend SponsoredTweets. if you are using Twitter currently and want to make some extra money and potentially a substantial amount of money 100% free with no risk sign up for SponsoredTweets now.