This blog post is a little different than usual. I will mention my favorite sites to make money online.
Affiliate marketing
In the last e-mail I mentioned my favorite affiliate networks. Affiliate marketing is the next level in the make money online world. Like paid to surf programs it takes no money to start and it’s all upside if you succeed. For example one can start a blog absolutely free. Let’s say you like to start a blog about dog training, you could start posting relevant ads on your web site for pet toys. If you make a sale usually commissions are around 10% you would make $10 off $100 sale. In the last blog post I mentioned as one of my favorite affiliate networks… for following reasons they have great affiliate offers for you to promote, pay on time, and most important they pay weekly. I can’t stress enough how important fast payments are in the affiliate marketing industry.
If you’re interested in affiliate marketing is a good place to start. They do want to limit their fraud risk so there are a number of hoops you have to jump through to get your account verified.
Another good network for affiliate offers is I’d check them out as well. They have great people working for them, and are very helpful.
Get paid for surf
My 2 favorite get paid to surf sites that are actually paying me daily income and send the checks out on time are, and The other program that pays well is, but don’t sign up for the “Paid to read e-mail program” sign up for their affiliate program which pays $1.50 up front for each member. If you would like to sign up for the InBoxDollars affiliate program go to
More advanced ideas for making money online
Do you like to write or have a product to sell? An effective way to make money online is by selling a product such as an eBook or software though The eBook could be as simple as how to train your dog in 1 week… or something to that effect. You post the product on the web site and potentially millions of affiliate will try to sell your product on your behalf. They of course get a commission as do you.
More ideas coming soon!